Diploma in Nutrition Techniques

Qualification : 10th

Duration : 1-2 years

SKU: 14160 Category:


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Nutritionist”, in the “Health Care Sector Skill Council” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner:

1.     Assists a registered Diet in planning, preparing and serving meals to patients with specific dietary and nutritional needs.


2.     Assists in Diet Preparation, Diet Regulations and Food Handling.
3.     Assists in Maintaining and Complying Safety and Sanitary standards.


4.     Assist and Perform Certain Administrative functions.
5.     Able to work in collaboration with Diet and other Healthcare Providers and deliver the Healthcare Services provided by them.


6.     Able to demonstrate clinical skills, Communication Skills and Ethical Behaviour.
7.     Have a general understanding of Skeletal System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Endocrinology, Excretion System, Central Nervous System, and Reproductive System.


8.     Assist in Nutritional Biochemistry, and computation of Nutrition for different kinds of persons including patients.


This course encompasses 11 out of 11 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “HSS/Q5201/Diet Assistant” Qualification Pack issued by “Health Care Sector Skill Council”.



Topic/Module Duration

(in Hours)

Key Learning Outcomes Corresponding NOS Code
1 Maintenance of Hygiene, Food Safety and Prevent Contamination 120 Hrs ·         Maintain Hygiene & Food Safety

·         Store Food Safely and Prevent Contamination

·         Handle Food Safely to Prevent Contamination

·         Select a therapeutic diet / menu based on Diet prescription

·         Prepare food safely to maintain nutritive value and avoid contamination

·         Educate patient on dietary restrictions as per instructions from Diet

HSS / N 5201

HSS / N 5202

HSS / N 5203

HSS / N 5204

HSS / N 5205

HSS / N 5206

2 Professional Culture, Protocols, Code of Conduct and Waste disposal standards 60 Hrs ·         Act within the limits of one’s competence and authority

·         Maintain a safe, healthy and secure environment

·         Practice Code of conduct while performing duties

·         Follow biomedical waste disposal protocols

·         Follow infection control policies and procedures


HSS/ N 9603

HSS/ N 9606

HSS/ N 9607

HSS/ N 9609

HSS/ N 9610

3 Communicative English and Official Communication

(Written and Oral)


20 Hrs  

·         Candidate should able to Communicate in English.

·         Candidate should able to read and write so that he/she should able to understand the prescription.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4 Computer Fundamentals 20 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for statistical database

·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for medical store.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
5 Basic Nutrition 16 Hrs ·         Introduction to nutrition –

·         Food as source of nutrients, functions of food, definition of nutrition, nutrients & energy, adequate, optimum & good nutrition, malnutrition.

·         Nutrition – Fitness, Athletics & Sports.

·         Food guide – Basic five food groups – How to use food guide (according to R.D.A.)

·         Interrelationship between nutrition & health – Visible symptoms of goods health

·         Use of food in body – Digestion, Absorption, transport & utilization.

·         Role of fibres in human nutrition.

·         Carbohydrates: Functions, classification, food sources, storage in body.

·         Fats & oils : composition, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, classification, food

·         Sources, function of fats.

·         Proteins – composition, sources, essential & non-essential amino acids, functions,

·         Protein deficiency.

·         Water – as a nutrient, function, sources, requirement, water balance & effect of deficiency.

·         Minerals – macro & micronutrients – functions, sources. Bioavailability and deficiency of Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Sodium & Potassium (in very brief)

·         Vitamins (water & fat soluble) – definition, classification & functions.

·         Effect of cooking & heat processing on the nutritive value of foods.

·         Processed supplementary foods.

·         Food sanitation in hygiene.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
6 Human Physiology 12 Hrs ·         Cell – Structure and function

·         Blood – Blood cells, Haemoglobin, Blood groups, Coagulation Factors , Anaemia

·         Skeletal System -Bones, joints & bone deformities in brief.

·         Cardiovascular system – Heart rate, Cardiac cycle, cardiac output, blood pressure, hypertension, radial pulse.

·         Lymphatic system – Lymph glands and its function, spleen -structure and functions.

·         Respiratory System – Ventilation, Functions, Lungs volumes and capacities.

·         Gastrointestinal System – Process of digestion in various parts.

·         Endocrinology – List of Endocrine glands, Hormones: Their secretion and functions (in brief).

·         Excretion system – Structure of nephron , Urine formation

·         Central Nervous System – Parts, Sliding Filament Theory , Neuro Muscular Junction , Wallerian Degeneration, Motor Nervous system – Upper motor neuron system & lower motor neuron system. Sensory nervous system, Sympathetic Nervous system & Parasympathetic nervous system.

·         Skin – Structure and functions

·         Reproductive system – Structure and functions of male & female reproductive organs, menstruation, puberty, menopause, fertilization and development of fertilized ovum, placenta and its function.

·         Special senses – Structure and function of eye and ear, common diseases of eye and ear (in brief)


Additional as Required for the Job Role
7 Nutritional Biochemistry


12   Hrs ·         Basics of energy metabolism, nutrition & dietetics – Unit of measuring energy, calorific value of food, BMR & factors affecting it, SDA of food, calculation of energy requirement, balanced diet, nutrition in health & diseases (protein energy malnutrition).

·         Chemistry of carbohydrates & their related metabolsim – Introduction, definition, classification, biomedical importance

Brief outline of meatbolism: Glycogenesis & glycogenolysis (in brief), Glycolysis, citric acid cycle & its significance, HMP shunt & Gluconeogenesis (in brief), regulation of blood glucose level.

·         Amino acids – Definition, classification, essential & non essential amino acids.

·         Chemistry of Proteins & their related metabolism – Introduction, definition, classification, biomedical importance, Metabolism: Transformation, Decarboxylation, Ammonia formation & transport, Urea cycle.

·         Chemistry of Lipids & their related metabolism – Introduction, definition, classification, biomedical importance, essential fatty acids, identification of fats & oils (saponification no, acid no, iodine no, acetyl no, reichertmiesel no. etc.)

Brief out line of metabolism: Beta oxidation of fatty acids, Ketosis, Cholesterol & it’s clinical significance, Lipoproteins in the blood composition & their functions in brief, Atherosclerosis.

·         Enzymes – Introduction, definition, classification, coenzymes, isoenzymes, properties, factors affecting enzyme action, enzyme inhibition, diagnostic value of serum enzymes – Creatinine kinase, Alkaline phosphatase, Acid phosphatase, LDH, SGOT, SGPT, Amylase, Lipase, Carbonic anhydrase etc. Acid base balance concepts & disorders – pH, Buffers, Acidosis, Alkalosis

·         Hormones – Classification, general mode of action, hormones of Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenals, Reproductive Glands, Pancreas, hormonal disorders, counter regulatory hormones.

·         Vitamins – Water & fat soluble vitamins, sources, requirement, deficiency disorders & biochemical functions.

·         Water metabolism – Distribution of fluids in the body, ECF, ICF, Water metabolism, dehydration.

·         Hyperglycemia & hypoglycemia – Diabetes mellitus – definition, types, features, gestation diabetes mellitus , glucose tolerance test, glycosurias, Hypoglycemia & its causes

·         Liver functions and their assessment –

Based on –

a) Carbohydrate metabolism

b) Protein metabolism

c) Lipid Metabolism

d) Measurements of serum enzyme levels

e) Bile pigment metabolism: Jaundice – its types and their biochemical findings.

·         Renal functions tests – Various tests, GFR & clearance.

·         Tumor markers & their clinical applications – Including oncofeatal antigens, CEA etc.

·         General concepts & functions of immunoglobulins


Additional as Required for the Job Role

Family Meal Management

10   Hrs ·         Introduction to meal management – balanced diet, food groups & the planning of balance diet.

·         Food guides for selecting adequate diet.

·         Diet therapy

·         Diet & stress in current scenario.

·         Meal planning for the family.

·         Indian meal patterns – vegetarian & non-vegetarian.

·         Food faddism & the faulty food habits.

·         Nutritive value of common Indian recepies.

·         Nutrition in pregnancy – Physiological stages of pregnancy, nutritional requirements. Food selection, complication of pregnancy.

·         Nutrition during lactation – Physiology of lactation, nutritional requirements.

·         Nutrition during infancy – growth & development, nutritional requirements, breast feeding, infant formula, introduction of supplementary foods.

·         Nutrition during early childhood (Toddler/Preschool) – Growth & nutrient need, nutrition related problems, feeding patterns.

·         Nutrition of school children – Nutritional requirement, importance of snacks, school lunch.

·         Nutrition during adolescence – Growth & nutrient needs, food choices, eating habits, factor influencing needs.

·         Nutrition during adulthood – Nutritional requirements, feeding pattern.

·         Geriatric nutrition: Factors affecting food intake and nutrient use, nutrient needs, nutrition related problems.


Additional as Required for the Job Role
9 Concept of Health and Disease


10 Hrs ·         Concept of health & disease and well being

·         Natural history of disease and role of hospitals to offer various levels of care

·         Prevention aspect of diseases

·         Dynamics of disease transmission

·         Changing pattern of diseases

·         Concept of health indicators


Additional as Required for the Job Role

Communicable Diseases and Common Diseases

10 Hrs ·         Classification of Diseases

·         Droplet infection, Measeles, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Mumps and Influenza

·         Diseases affecting Respiratory System: Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis

·         Diseases affecting Gastro Intestinal System: Dysentery, Diorrhea, Typhoid, Cholera, Peptic Ulcer, Liver Diseases (Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Gastritis, Appendiciitis)

·         Skin Diseases & Venereal Diseases, Scabies, Soriasis, Fungal Infection, Venereal Diseases, Leprosy

·         Blood Anaemia, Leukemia, Bleeding Disorders

·         Urinary Diseases: Glomerulo Nephritis, Pyelo Nephritis

·         Cardiovascular Diseases: Angina Pectoris, Hypertension, Valvular Diseases

·         Nervous System- Polio, Meningitis

·         Viral Diseases : Aids, Rabies

·         Insect-Born Diseases: Malaria, Filariasis


Additional as Required for the Job Role
11 Health Education 10 Hrs ·         Aims & Principles of Health education

·         Methods of Health Education

·         Effects of health education

·         Levels & practice of health education

·         Need of Health education to attain positive health


Additional as Required for the Job Role


On Job Training: 150 Hours


Total Programme Duration: 450 Hours (300 Hrs Theory & 150 Hrs OJT)


(This syllabus/ curriculum have been approved by Health Care Sector Skill Council (name of relevant Sector Skill Council or NSDC designated authority).


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