Diploma in Blood Bank Techniques

Qualification : 10th

Duration : 1-2 years

SKU: 14155 Category:


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Blood Bank Technician”, in the “Health Care Sector Skill Council” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner:

1.     Assists in Blood Bank by collecting samples and sorting the samples in a manner which is identifiable.


2.     Assists in a lab to collect, label and store blood.
3.     Maintaining Blood Donor’s Medical History and Screen Donors


4.     Assists in testing samples to screen potential donors, store blood, draws and maintain documentation and records.


5.     Make patients comfortable during the procedure and monitor their vital signs.


6.     Assists in checking compatibility of blood before issuing it for transfusion.


This course encompasses 15 out of 15 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “HSS/Q2801/Blood Bank Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “Health Care Sector Skill Council”.



Topic/Module Duration

(in Hours)

Key Learning Outcomes Corresponding NOS Code
1 Blood Bank Techniques and Management 120 Hrs ·         Assist nurse in checking vital parameters

·         Collect blood donors medical history and screen donors

·         Draw blood from donor

·         Monitor donor during the donation procedure

·         Screen donated blood for presence of any infection

·         Document, label and store blood donations

·         Check compatibility of blood

HSS / N 2801

HSS / N 2802

HSS / N 2803

HSS / N 2804

HSS / N 2805

HSS / N 2806

HSS / N 2807


2 Professional Culture, Protocols, Code of Conduct and Waste disposal standards 60 Hrs ·         Act within the limits of one’s competence and authority

·         Work effectively with others

·         Manage work to meet requirements

·         Maintain a safe, healthy and secure environment

·         Practice Code of conduct while performing duties

·         Follow biomedical waste disposal protocols

·         Follow infection control policies and procedures

·         Monitor and assure quality


HSS/ N 9603

HSS/ N 9604

HSS/ N 9605

HSS/ N 9606

HSS/ N 9607

HSS/ N 9609

HSS/ N 9610

HSS/ N 9611


3 Communicative English and Official Communication

(Written and Oral)


20 Hrs  

·         Candidate should able to Communicate in English.

·         Candidate should able to read and write so that he/she should able to understand the prescription.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4 Computer Fundamentals 20 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for statistical database

·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for Blood donors medical history.


Additional as Required for the Job Role
5 Immunohaematology 16 Hrs ·         Basic Principles of immunohaematology, Application of Blood groups: Population Genetics, Forensic medicine, Transfusion medicine

·         ABO Blood of Group Systems: History, Genetics, ABH antigens, Biochemical Synthesis of blood group antigens, Antigenic sites, weaker variants, Bombay Phenotype, ABO antibodies

·         RH Blood Group System: History, Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Nature of Rh Antigens, Partial D, Week D, other variants of Rh, Rh Null, Rh antibodies, factors influencing Rh immunization, Functional role of Rh antigens

·         Other Blood Group Systems: Lewis, P, Ii, MNSs, Kell, Duffy, Celano, In, Private antigens, Public antigens.

·         Antenatal Serology, Hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO Incompatibility, Rh Incompatibility and other allo-antibodies

·         Red cell serology techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, Cell and serum grouping, detection of weak A and B antigens and weak D/Partial D cases, Trouble shooting in red cell serology

·         Pre transfusion testing, Different methods of cross matching, cross matching in special circumstances, emergency cross matching, electronic cross matching

·         Principles of Direct and indirect antiglobulin test, enzyme technique, albumins technique, Detection of blood group antibodies, identification of their Specificity, clinical significance of antibody detection, differentiation between auto and allo-antibodies

·         Gel Technology, Microplate technique


Additional as Required for the Job Role
6 Haematology 12 Hrs ·         Collection of blood samples, types of anticoagulants

·         Complete hemogram, Different methods of hemoglobin screening/estimation: Copper sulphate, hematology analyzers, Sahli’s, Cyanmethhemoglobin and Hemo-Q methods, Red cell indices

·         Normal erythropoiesis, Leucopoiesis, Formation and function of platelets

·         Classification of anemia, their laboratory diagnosis, Hemoglobinopathy: Beta Thalassemia and Sickle cell disease, G6PD deficiency, polycythemia

·         Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, classification, diagnosis, specificity of autoantibodies

·         Coagulation Mechanism, Hemostasis, laboratory tests for coa, Hemophilia A & B, Platelet disorders,

·         Hematological malignancies

·         Bone marrow transplantation, peripheral stem cells, cord blood stem cells, cord blood banking


Additional as Required for the Job Role
7 General Immunology


12   Hrs ·         Introduction to Immunology, History, Immunity

·         Antigens : Immunogen, allo-antigen, soluble antigen, Red cell antigen, Epitopes

·         Antibodies: Polyclonal antibodies, development of antibodies, structure of immunoglobulin, characteristics of immunoglobulin

·         Monoclonal antibodies: Hybridoma technology, Human monoclonal antibodies, Applications of MAb

·         Antigen antibody reaction: Antigen concentration, antibody concentration, enhancing media, other factors influencing antigen antibody reaction, Immunoassays: ELISA, IRMA, RIA

·         Cells of immune system: Phagocytic cells, Antigen presenting cells, T cells, T cell subsets, B cells, CD Markers, Flowcytometry for counting T & B cells

·         Autoimmune disorders, their mechanisms,

·         Complement System

·         HLA antigens, HLA antibodies, HLA Serology, Histocompatibility matching: Molecular methods


Additional as Required for the Job Role

Microbiology and Biochemistry

10   Hrs ·         Introduction to Microbiology, Fundamentals of microscopy, sterilization and disinfection

·         Groups of Micro organisms, Micro organisms staining techniques

·         Bacteriological media, Pure cultures and cultural characteristics, Bacteria of medical importance,

·         Transfusion transmitted infections, HIV (1+2), HCV, HBV, malaria, syphilis

·         ELISA, rapid and other tests for diagnosis of transfusion transmitted infections

·         Biosafety, Management of Biomedical waste

·         Introduction to Biochemistry, Acid and Base, Buffers and Buffer action, pH, The Beer Law & its application

·         Carbohydrates, proteins, Lipids and Lipoproteins, Red cell membrane integral proteins and lipids, Biochemical estimation of Blood sugar, proteins, Lipid profile and kidney function tests

·         Instrumentation principles: pH meter, colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis equipment


Additional as Required for the Job Role
9 Blood Banking: Blood Donation


10 Hrs ·         Classification of Diseases

·         Droplet infection, Measeles, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Mumps and Influenza

·         Diseases affecting Respiratory System: Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis

·         Diseases affecting Gastro Intestinal System: Dysentery, Diorrhea, Typhoid, Cholera, Peptic Ulcer, Liver Diseases (Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Gastritis, Appendiciitis)

·         Skin Diseases & Venereal Diseases, Scabies, Soriasis, Fungal Infection, Venereal Diseases, Leprosy

·         Blood Anaemia, Leukemia, Bleeding Disorders

·         Urinary Diseases: Glomerulo Nephritis, Pyelo Nephritis

·         Cardiovascular Diseases: Angina Pectoris, Hypertension, Valvular Diseases

·         Nervous System- Polio, Meningitis

·         Viral Diseases : Aids, Rabies

·         Insect-Born Diseases: Malaria, Filariasis


Additional as Required for the Job Role

Transfusion Therapy

10 Hrs ·         Aims & Principles of Health education

·         Methods of Health Education

·         Effects of health education

·         Levels & practice of health education

·         Need of Health education to attain positive health


Additional as Required for the Job Role
11 Quality Control Documentation and Legal Aspects of Blood Banking 10 Hrs ·         Quality control of blood grouping regents, QC of anti-human globulin reagent, bovine albumin, Normal saline

·         Quality control of blood bank raw materials and kits.

·         Quality control of different blood bank Components, sterility test on component.

·         Automation in blood bank

·         Calibration, validation and maintenance of blood bank equipment, QC of blood bank techniques, internal and external QC.

·         Organization of blood bank services, Blood Bank premises and infrastructure, Regional blood transfusion centre and blood storage centres, Blood bank management system

·         Regulations for blood bank operation: Drugs and cosmetics Law, National blood policy, standards in Blood Banking, licensing procedures.

·         Recruitment and training of blood bank personnel, Proficiency test.

·         Blood Bank Accreditation


Additional as Required for the Job Role


On Job Training: 150 Hours


Total Programme Duration: 450 Hours (300 Hrs Theory & 150 Hrs OJT)


(This syllabus/ curriculum have been approved by Health Care Sector Skill Council (name of relevant Sector Skill Council or NSDC designated authority).


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