Diploma in Dialysis Technique

Qualification : 10th

Duration : 1-2 years


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Dialysis Technician Where he/She will able to Sets up and operates hemodialysis machine & to provide dialysis treatment for patients with kidney failure, attaches dialyzer and tubing to machine to assemble for use & understand dialyzer reprocessing, equipment maintenance and repair, water treatment monitoring, participation in quality improvement, vascular access monitoring and direct patient care. ”, in the “Healthcare Sector Skill Council” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner.


This  course  encompasses  19  out  of  19  National  Occupational  Standards  (NOS)  of  “HSS/  Q  2701  Dialysis Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “Healthcare Sector Skill Council”.


1.      Able to understand the report of the patient 2.      Able to check and maintain water treatment


3.      Able to check the document and r port such as

blood pressure and body temperature etc

4.      Understanding the importance of record and

able to maintain it during treatment

5.      Able to assist patient before starti g the dialysis 6.      Knowledge of all the standard procedure related

to sterilization of machine & its units

7.      Knowledge of the most recommended values of

blood parameters and other vitals with reference to the functioning of kidneys

8.      Able to perform chemical analyses for contaminants in the water
9.      Able to understand different diagnosis related to dialysis 10. Understanding the importance of every individual role and also albe to seek supervision

when situations arises

11. Knowledge of different indication from various

diagnosis test and treatment

12. Perform different kind of reseach but under the

protocol and guidelines

13. Able to tackle certain medical issu s by variety

of clinical setting during emergency sitiuation

14. Able to demonstrate good practice as an

individual and as a team member at all times

15. Able to collect data and present it through presentation 16. Able to apply, analyse, and evaluate the information gathered from observation during


17. Able to apply, analyse, and evaluate the information gathered from the patients chart as well as by measuring the vitals, as a guide to

thought and action prior to initiating dialysis

18. Able to communicate with bio-medical engineer or senior technician if any technical problem arises
19. Knowledge of all the sterilization techniques

used during dialysis process

20. Understanding the importance of observation

regarding machine care

21. Able to prepare status and progress report after


22. Understanding the importance of cleaning and

sterilisation to prevent the spread of infection

This  course  encompasses  19  out  of  19  National  Occupational  Standards  (NOS)  of  “HSS/  Q  2701  Dialysis Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “Healthcare Sector Skill Council”.



Topic/Module Duration (in Hours) Key Learning Outcomes Corresponding NOS Code
1 Collect the patient information & able to prepare the 120 Hrs ·         Able to collect, check and assess the patient documentation and record

·         Able to manage & maintain dialysis

HSS / N 2701


HSS / N 2702



patient for treatment machine

·         Assist the patient in preparing for dialysis treatment ensuring the patient privacy & comfort

·         Able to initiate the dialysis process & understanding the procedure involve in it

·         Analysing all the parameter involve during the patient treatment

·         Able to perform the removal procedure after the dialysis treatment


HSS / N 2703



HSS / N 2704

HSS / N 2705 HSS / N 2706

2 Recording the dialysis procedure on the medical report/chart of the patient 80 Hrs ·         Able to maintain record after the treatment

·         Recognising ,understanding and evalauting the patient symptoms before and after every treatment

·         Able to perform sterilization and disinfection procedure after every dialysis treatment

·         Understanding the different type of vascular acess for canulation

HSS / N 2707 HSS / N 2708


HSS / N 2709



HSS / N 2710

3 Monitoring the patient and equipment during the treatment and responding to any complications or emergencies 60 Hrs ·         Monitoring, identifying and responding to any complaint during emergency either related to patient or equipment

·         Knowledge of cleaning agent and able to perform the standard procedure of cleaning different parts of dialyzer

·         Maintaining and evaluating the water treatment plant for proper functioning

HSS / N 2711



HSS / N 2712



HSS / N 2713

4 Working with other people to meet requirements 60 Hrs ·         Knowledge of an organisational system and their requirement and working within one’s role and responsibilty

·         Able to perform duties and work with other team members of an organisation

·         Follow the procedure for health,safety

and security requirement related for the work place

HSS / N 9603



HSS / N 9604 HSS / N 9606

5 Classification, Segregation & Proper collection and storage of Waste 60 Hrs ·         Understanding the procedure and performing the disposal of biomedical waste

·         Knowledge of infection control policy and procedure & performing the safety measures to control infection

·         Knowledge of different qualilty assurance standards and performing the

reseach and analysis to assure qualtiy

HSS / N 9609



HSS / N 96010



HSS / N 96011

6 Nephrology 30 Hrs ·         Understanding the fundamental defination of Nephrology

·         Able to understand about the different types of diseases in kidney(Nephrology)

·         Knowledge of different Nephrological Socities

Additional as Required for the Job Role
7 Overview and

Function of kidney

30 Hrs ·         Understanding the vital function of Kidney Additional as

Required for



·         Understanding the core action of Kidney

·         Understanding about the Kidney Stone and how it work’s?

the Job Role
8 Kidney Disorder/ Failure 30 Hrs ·         Understanding about the different type of kidney disorder/Failure

·         Understanding the cause of Kidney Failure

·         Understanding the symptoms of Kidney Failure

·         Able to understand how kidney perform during toxic encounter

·         Different disease related to kidney and their symptoms

·         Measures to prevent of Kidney Failure

Additional as Required for the Job Role
9 Diagnostic tests and procedures 30 Hrs ·         Understanding about Hemodialysis and how it works?

·         Understanding the Equipments & Procedure used during the Kidney failure

·         Understanding about the artificial process of eliminating waste (diffusion) unwanted water (ultrafiltration) from the


Additional as Required for the Job Role
10 Communicative English and Official Communication ( Written and Oral) 4 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to Communicate in English.

·         Candidate should able to read and write

so that he/she should able to understand the prescription.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
11 Computer Fundamentals 6 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for statistical database

·         Candidate should able to use computer

for maintaining records for medical store

Additional as Required for the Job Role
12 PATIENT CARE MANAGEMENT 70 Hrs ·         To create and manage a system for patient care

·         Roles of departments/managers in enhancing care

·         Able to provide counselling to the patient

·         Patient safety and patient risk management.

·         Provide daily check-up to the patient

·         To manage the ward and availability of beds

·         To provide quick and better response to the critical cases

Additional as Required for the Job Role
13 QUALITY ASSURANCE 20 Hrs ·         To understand the fundamentals of Quality management & its Objectives.

·         To understand the quality measurement methods and its standards.

·         To understand the standard provided by International Organization for

Additional as Required for the Job Role



Standardization (ISO)

·         To maintain a system for quality check and assurance.

·         To understand the international system for quality assurance.

·         To understand that the product and services should essentially be free from defects.

·         To able to improve the system and standardised procedure.


Total Programme Duration: 1400 Hour (600 Classroom Training +200 Hrs OJT+ 600 Hrs Internship)


(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by Healthcare Sector Skill Council (name of relevant Sector Skill Council or NSDC designated authority).


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