Diploma in Anesthesia Techniques

Qualification : 10th

Duration : 1-2 years

SKU: 14159 Category:


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of “Anaesthesia Technician”, in the “Health Care Sector Skill Council” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner:


1. Provide support to anaesthesia providers in the acquisition, preparation and application of the equipment and supplies required for the administration of anaesthesia. 2. Assist licensed anaesthesia provider in different care settings.
3. Ability of preparing and managing anaesthesia room. 4. Ability to prepare for anaesthesia injection and maintenance of equipment.



This course encompasses 10 out of 10 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “HSS/Q2501 – Anaesthesia Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “Health Care Sector Skill Council”.




Topic/Module Duration (in Hours) Key Learning Outcomes Corresponding NOS Code
1.1 Anaesthesia Assistance 60 Hrs ·         Assist licensed anaesthesia provider in different care settings

·         Prepare and manage anaesthesia room

·         Maintenance of Equipment

·         Administrative and other duties

HSS / N 2501 HSS / N 2502 HSS / N 2503 HSS / N 2504
1.2 Professional Culture, Protocols, Code of Conduct and Waste disposal standards 40 Hrs ·         Act within the limits of one’s competence and authority

·         Maintain a safe, healthy and secure environment

·         Practice Code of conduct while performing duties

·         Follow biomedical waste disposal products

HSS/ N 9603

HSS/ N 9606

HSS/ N 9607

HSS/ N 9609



      ·         Follow infection control policies and procedures

·         Monitor and assure quality

HSS/ N 9610

HSS/ N 9611

2.0 Communicative English and Official Communication (Written and Oral) 20 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to Communicate in English.

·         Candidate should able to read and write so that he/she should able to understand the prescription.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
3.0 Computer Fundamentals 20 Hrs ·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for statistical database

·         Candidate should able to use computer for maintaining records for medical store.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4.1 Anatomy 20 Hrs ·         Development of face

·         Bronchial arches

·         Muscles of facial expression

·         Muscles of mastication

·         TMJ

·         Salivary gland

·         Tongue

·         Hard and soft palate

·         Infratemporal fossa

·         Para nasal air sinuses

·         Pharynx and larynx

·         Cranial and spinal nerves-with emphasis on trigeminal, facial, glossophayngeal and hypoglossal nerve

·         Osteology of maxilla and mandible

·         Blood supply, venous and lymphatic drainage of head and neck

·         Lymph nodes of head and neck

·         Structure and relations of alveolar process and edentulous mouth

·         Genetics – fundamentals

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4.2 Physiology and Biochemistry 15 Hrs ·         Cell

·         Mastication and deglutition

·         Food and nutrition

·         Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Additional as Required for the Job Role



      ·         Vitamins and minerals

·         Fluid and electrolyte balance

·         Pain pathway and mechanism – types, properties

·         Blood composition and functions, clotting mechanism and erythropoiesis, blood groups and transfusions, pulse and blood pressure,

·         Dynamics of blood flow

·         Cardiovascular homeostasis – heart sounds

·         Respiratory system: Normal physiology and variations in heath and diseases, Asphyxia and artificial respiration

·         Endocrinology: thyroid, parathyroid ad enals, pituitary, sex hormones and pregnancy, Endocrine regulation of blood sugar.

4.3 Pharmacology 15 Hrs ·         Definition scope and relations to other branches of medicine, mode of action, bioassay, standardization, pharmacodyanamics, pharmacokinetics.

·         Chemotherapy of bacterial infections and viral infections –sulphonamides and antibiotics

·         Local anesthesia

·         Analgesics and anti – inflammatory drugs

·         Hypnotics, tranquilizers and antipyretics

·         Important, hormones – ACTH, cortisone, insulin and oral ant diabetics.

·         Drug addiction and tolerance

·         Important pharmacological agents in connection with autonomic nervous system –  adrenaline, noradrenalin atropine

·         Brief mention of antihypertensive drugs

·         Emergency drugs in dental practice

·         Vitamins and haemopoietic drugs

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4.4 Microbiology 10 Hrs ·         Infection, sterilization – disinfection

·         Methods of transmission of diseases

·         Immunity – types

·         Bacteria – Common bacteria

·         Viruses – small pox virus, chicken pox virus, measles, polio, aids viruses

Additional as Required for the Job Role



5.1 Anaesthesia for Specialties – I 25 Hrs Cardiac Anaesthesia

·         NYHA classification, Arrhythmias, Angina, Dyspnoea, Premedication, Setting up of monitoring system, Monitoring – invasive and non-invasive

·         Getting ready for the case, Induction of cardiac patient, precautions to be taken, transferring the patient to ICU, Care to be taken, ICU management.

Neuro Anaesthesia

·         Glasgow coma scale, Signs of raised ICT, Premedication, Check list, Induction of a patient Positioning in neuro surgery, I.C.P. monitoring, Air embolism, Transferring to I.C.U.Ward

Anaesthesia for Trauma & Shock

·         Resusciation, Preopinvestigation/assessment, Circulatory management, Management of anaesthesia, Rapid sequence induction, Other problems

·         CPR

Additional as Required for the Job Role
5.2 Anaesthesia for Specialties – II 25 Hrs Obstetric Anaesthesia

·         Differences between a pregnant and a normal lady, Risks for anaesthesia, Precautions to be taken check list, regional vs general anaesthesia, Induction / maintenance.

·         Resuscitation of the new born, APGAR score, Reversal and extubation, Emergencies

– Manual removal of placenta, A.P.H,-P.P.H., Ruptured uterus, Ectopic pregnancy, Labour, Epidural analgesia

Paediatric Anaesthesia

·         Theatre setting, Check list, Premedication, Induction, Intubations-securing the ETT, Monitoring, Reversal & extubation – problems, Transferring / IC management, Pain management.

Day Care Anaesthesia

·         Special features, Set up, Advantages, Disadvantages, Complications, Future Anaesthesia outside the O.R.

·         Situations, Cath lab, radiology and imaging Science Technology natural calamities, E.C.T., Features, Shortcomings, Complications

6.1 Principles and Equipments related to Anaesthesia Technology 45 Hrs Medical Gas Supply

·         Compressed gas cylinders, Colour coding, Cylinder valves, pin index, Gas piping system, Alarms & safety devices.

Face Masks & Airways Laryngoscopes

·         Endotracheal tubes – Types, sizes, (RAE Tube, Flexo metallic). Complications – Use




      care and maintenance of anaesthesia equipment

·         Laryngoscopes in Anaesthesia Machine Breathing System

·         Anaesthesia Machine: Hanger and yoke system, Cylinder pressure gauge, Pressure regulator, Flow meter assembly, Vapourizers-types, hazards, maintenance, filling & draining, etc.

·         Breathing System:

a.  General considerations: humidity & heat

b.  Common components – connectors, adaptors, reservoir bags, Capnography; Pulse oximetry, Methods of humidification, Classification of breathing system, Mapleson system – a b c d e f, Jackson Reesystem, Bain circuit, Non rebreatihing valves – ambu valves, The circle system, Components, Soda lime, indicators

6.2 Health Education 5 Hrs ·         Aims & Principles of Health education

·         Methods of Health Education

·         Effects of health education

·         Levels & practice of health education

·         Need of Health education to attain positive health

Additional as Required for the Job Role


On Job Training: 150 Hours


Total Programme Duration: 450 Hours (300 Hrs Theory & 150 Hrs OJT)


(This syllabus/ curriculum have been approved by Health Care Sector Skill Council (name of relevant Sector Skill Council or NSDC designated authority).


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