Post Diploma in Diet Techniques

Qualification : 10th

Duration : 1-2 years

SKU: 14156 Category:


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Dietician”, in the “Health Care Sector Skill Council” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner:

1.     Assists a registered Diet in planning, preparing and serving meals to patients with specific dietary and nutritional needs.


2.     Assists in Diet Preparation, Diet Regulations and Food Handling.
3.     Assists in Maintaining and Complying Safety and Sanitary standards.


4.     Assist and Perform Certain Administrative functions.
5.     Able to work in collaboration with Diet and other Healthcare Providers and deliver the Healthcare Services provided by them.


6.     Able to demonstrate clinical skills, Communication Skills and Ethical Behaviour.


This course encompasses 11 out of 11 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “HSS/ Q 5201/Diet Assistant” Qualification Pack issued by “Health Care Sector Skill Council”.



Topic/Module Duration

(in Hours)

Key Learning Outcomes Corresponding NOS Code
1 Maintenance of Hygiene, Food Safety and Prevent Contamination 120 Hrs ·         Maintain Hygiene & Food Safety

·         Store Food Safely and Prevent Contamination

·         Handle Food Safely to Prevent Contamination

·         Select a therapeutic diet / menu based on Diet prescription

·         Prepare food safely to maintain nutritive value and avoid contamination

·         Educate patient on dietary restrictions as per instructions from Diet

HSS / N 5201

HSS / N 5202

HSS / N 5203

HSS / N 5204

HSS / N 5205

HSS / N 5206

2 Professional Culture, Protocols, Code of Conduct and Waste disposal standards 60 Hrs ·         Act within the limits of one’s competence and authority

·         Maintain a safe, healthy, and secure environment

·         Practice Code of conduct while performing duties

·         Follow biomedical waste disposal protocols

·         Follow infection control policies and procedures


HSS/ N 9603

HSS/ N 9606

HSS/ N 9607

HSS/ N 9609

HSS/ N 9610

3 Communicative English and Official Communication

(Written and Oral)


20 Hrs  

·         Candidate should be able to Communicate in English.

·         Candidate should be able to read and write so that he/she should be able to understand the prescription.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
4 Computer Fundamentals 20 Hrs ·         Candidate should be able to use computer for maintaining records for statistical database

·         Candidate should be able to use computer for maintaining records for medical store.

Additional as Required for the Job Role
5 First Aid 12 Hrs ·         First Aid – Definition, First Aider – Definition, Duties and Responsibilities

·         Artificial Respiration, Electric Shock, Burns, Scalds and Shock

·         Control of Bleeding, Unconsciousness

·         Bleeding from Nose & Ear, Epileptic Fits

·         Fractures & Injuries, Dislocation, High Fever

·         Something gets struck in the throat

·         Drowing, Insect Bite, Dog Bite, Snake Bite, Food Poisoning and Chemical Poisoning


Additional as Required for the Job Role
6 Nutrition 12 Hrs ·         Definition

·         Functions of Balanced Diet

·         Malnutrition, Under Nutrition and Over Nutrition

·         Requirements of food for the various age groups

·         Deficiency Diseases

·         Diet of the Sick, Aged Child, Pre-School, Pregnant and Lactating Mothers

·         Nutrients and its Functions and Specific deficiency diseases


Additional as Required for the Job Role
7 Concept of Health and Disease


12 Hrs ·         Concept of health & disease and well being

·         Natural history of disease and role of hospitals to offer various levels of care

·         Prevention aspect of diseases

·         Dynamics of disease transmission

·         Changing pattern of diseases

·         Concept of health indicators

Additional as Required for the Job Role

Preliminary Human Anatomy, Physiology, Common pathological conditions, Pharmacology

12 Hrs ·         Basic concepts of human anatomy

·         Basic concepts of human physiology

·         Basic concepts of pathogenesis of common diseases

·         Basic concepts of interpretation of investigations reports

·         Commonly used Medicine in a hospital, Narcotic drugs, use and abuse of drugs. Dispensing of medicine, drugs store, drug stock / purchase of medicine, oxygen, I/V Fluid, Chemicals etc.


Additional as Required for the Job Role

Communicable Diseases and Common Diseases

8 Hrs ·         Classification of Diseases

·         Droplet infection, Measeles, Chicken Pox, Smallpox, Mumps and Influenza

·         Diseases affecting Respiratory System: Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis

·         Diseases affecting Gastrointestinal System: Dysentery, Diorrhea, Typhoid, Cholera, Peptic Ulcer, Liver Diseases (Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Gastritis, Appendiciitis)

·         Skin Diseases & Venereal Diseases, Scabies, Soriasis, Fungal Infection, Venereal Diseases, Leprosy

·         Blood Anaemia, Leukaemia, Bleeding Disorders

·         Urinary Diseases: Glomerulo Nephritis, Pyelo Nephritis

·         Cardiovascular Diseases: Angina Pectoris, Hypertension, Valvular Diseases

·         Nervous System- Polio, Meningitis

·         Viral Diseases: Aids, Rabies

·         Insect-Born Diseases: Malaria, Filariasis


Additional as Required for the Job Role
10 Health Education 8 Hrs ·         Aims & Principles of Health education

·         Methods of Health Education

·         Effects of health education

·         Levels & practice of health education

·         Need of Health education to attain positive health


Additional as Required for the Job Role
11 Food Science and Food Microbiology 8 Hrs ·         Food groups, Food preparation methods, Food preservation techniques, Food analysis – proximate composition, Sensory analysis and Food processing techniques, Food safety, Food security, and Food hygiene.

·         Food borne illnesses, hazard analysis and critical control points and good manufacturing practices, Role of microorganisms in food processing, Food additives, Food fortification and Food packaging.


Additional as Required for the Job Role
12 Basic Dietetics 8 Hrs ·         Role of dietarian: The hospital & community.

·         Basic concepts of diet therapy.

·         Principles of diet therapy & therapeutic nutrition for changing needs.

·         Adaptation of normal diet for changing needs.

·         Routine hospital diets – Regular diet, light diet, full liquid, and tube feeding.

·         Modification of diet – Febrile conditions, infections, and surgical conditions.

·         Diets for gastro – intestinal disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, peptic ulcer.

·         Diet for renal diseases – Nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure.

·         Diet for obesity and cardiovascular disorders.

·         Diet for Diabetes mellitus.

·         Diet & nutrition in kidney diseases.

·         Nutrition in cancer.

·         Nutrition in Immune system dysfunction, AIDS & Allergy.

·         Nutrition support in metabolic disorders.

·         Nutrition in burns and surgery.

·         Nutrition – Addictive behaviour in anorexia, nervosa, bulimia & alcoholism.

·         Nutrient drug interaction.

·         Feeding the patients – Psychology of feeding the patient, assessment of patient needs.

·         Feeding infants & children – problems in feeding children in hospitals.

·         Nutrition & diet clinics – Patients check-up and dietary counselling, educating the patient and follow up.


Additional as Required for the Job Role


On Job Training: 150 Hours


Total Programme Duration: 450 Hours (300 Hrs Theory & 150 Hrs OJT)


(This syllabus/ curriculum have been approved by Health Care Sector Skill Council (name of relevant Sector Skill Council or NSDC designated authority).


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